
By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); December 25, 2014

第一個聖誕節的話題是 「耶穌在那一天誕生?」。

論到耶稣的生日,在 Lee Strobel 的書 (Ref.1; p.20) 中有這樣的一段話:

“歷史並無凖確地確定耶稣在那一 天誕生。很可能是在春天,因為春季宜於牧羊人在夜間看守羊群 (參看路加福音2:8) 而且春天也是母羊產子的季節。其实在主後200年間,有神學家曾斷定耶稣是在五月廿日出生。宗教專欄新聞記者 (Journalist Terry Mattingly) 曾說,有人主張耶稣是在三月或四月間出生的。其实這類的推測对初期教會而言是視為不重要的,因為當時基督徒所重視的乃是元月六日的聖顯節Epiphany, 也就是紀念耶稣受浸禮的日子。

及至主後385年,教宗朱利阿斯一世 (Pope Julius I) 宣告十二月廿五為慶祝救主誕生的節日。其部份原因是以此日是當時教會向信奉羅馬農神的異教徒挑戰。因為此等異教徒常在此日向羅馬神祗(Saturnalia) 膜拜並藉此机会狂歡作樂,在社會上大行其喧鬧並放蕩行淫之道。”



另一個聖誕節的話題是「聖誕星 Christmas Star」:

Lee Strobel in his book (Ref. 1; p.50) wrote: ” Was it a comet? Asteroid?Conjunction of planets? All have been suggested to explain the Christmas star that led the wise men from the east to visit the Christ child. For astronomer Hugh Ross, one possibility is a “recurring nova (新星).”

“An easily visible nova (a star suddenly increases in brightness and then within a few months or years grows dim) occurs about once every decade,” he said. “Novae are sufficiently uncommon to catch the attention of observers as alert and well-trained as the magi must have been. However, many novae are also sufficiently unspectacular as to escape the attention of others.”

Most novae explode once, but a few undergo multiple explosions separated by months or years. This could account for how Matthews says the star appeared, disappeared, and then reappeared and disappeared later.



甚至這位神話般的 (mythical) 人物—-聖誕老人 (Santa Claus), 他的來歷最終也追朔到基督. 雖然他在聖誕節常常遺憾地搶了基督的鏡頭, 聖誕老人 (St. Nick) 毫無疑問地是源於 基督教傳统; 而這傳說 (legend) 是作為送禮物的精神的象徵, 這種精神是由基督降世所標明的. 第一個聖誕禮物就是神的兒子, 由父賜給我們. 下一個禮物就是博士們帶給孩童基督 (Christ Child) 的. 從此聖誕節就有了交換禮物的傳统了. 據 “The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church”, 我們對聖誕老人(St. Nicholas) 的認識是: 他是第四世紀之人物, 住在 Myra (土耳其南部Antalya省的城市) 這地方, 據說每年在他的盛宴日 (feast day), 即十二月六日, 送禮給兒童們。(Ref. 2)

現今, 聖誕節是公共假期, 已变成被各式各樣奇奇怪怪的迷信所覆蓋,如飛行的馴鹿,滑下煙囪的聖誕老人。但如果我们追朔其核心意義,聖誕節有其歷史的实体— 就是道成肉身:神成了人,灵以血肉顯現,無限進入有限,永恒進入時空,是一个由事实支持的奥秘,使人難以忽視。


  1. “The Case For Christmas” by Lee Strobel; pp. 20 and 50.
  2. “What If Jesus Had Never Been Born” by D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe; pp.37-38.

About Tin-chee Lo

Graduated from: National Taiwan University and Carnegie Mellon University. • Retired from IBM as engineer, scientist, and inventor since 2006. • Training: Computer Engineering (Semiconductor Devices, Circuit design, Memory design, Logic design, system-on-a-chip). • Interests after retirement: Christian apologetics, writing and teaching, and the art of painting.
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