
凡以神國為念 一切以榮耀主名為首。傾心服事神的子民、神的家、神的國度。放眼擴展神國,樂與各基督教會一同傳揚基督福音。以宣教為使命。
堅持絕對真理 堅守聖經絕對真理和原則。努力學習聖經,摸著主的心意。以開放態度接納相對觀點。
合一事奉愛主 以合一同體的認知,發掘彼此恩賜,謙卑看別人比自己強,齊心建立基督身體。
生命重於事工 生活即是見證,以生命為首要福音橋樑。個人生活乃基督薦信。
真誠以愛同居 表裡如一,真誠以對。和睦相愛,過團契生活。口出恩慈彼此造就。敬重主僕。勇於擔當責任,面對溝通了結,拒絕閒言心結。
建立基督門徒 訓練建立各代、中美文化基督精兵,環環相扣,彼此並對外服侍。
儆醒禱告為本 常以禱告與恩主連結,順服聖靈帶領。禱告多於計劃。


Core Values

To Focus on God’s Kingdom

Aim to glorify God. Serve God’s people, serve God’s house, and serve God’s Kingdom wholeheartedly. Aspire to expand the Kingdom. Build missional partnerships with other churches. Change lives to be missional.

To Uphold the Absolute Truth

Guard the biblical Truth. Strive to understand the Bible. Align with the mind of Christ. Value diversity in the Church.

To Serve God with Love and Unity

Acknowledge that we are members of the Body. Help one another to discover our spiritual gifts. In humility, value others above ourselves. Build up the Body with singleness of heart.

To Consider Living Testimonies over Works

Let our lives be our testimonies, our redemptive bridge. Let our lives be read as Christ’s recommendation letter.

To Be Genuine  with Others

Strive for moral consistency. Treat others with honesty. Love one another and live peacefully with all. Fellowship constantly with one another. Let grace and love proceed from our lips. Honor God’s servants. Be responsible to our duties. Be vigilant against the spread of rumors.

To Edify Christians

Build up disciples across generations; interconnect them within the context of bilingual cultures. Be soldiers for the Gospel. Serve within and without HOCL.

To Be Vigilant in Prayer

Relate with our blessed Lord through prayer. Submit to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Let prayer precede planning.