
January 2, 2011

主愛之家新堂成立崇拜  Inaugural Worship Service of The House of Christ’s Love

主愛之家基督教會新堂成立崇拜在2011年1月2日下午5時30分舉行,從各地來的弟兄姐妹帶著滿滿的祝福參加了這次聚會,一起為教會慶生。崇拜時由周逸駒弟兄(右圖前左)講道『充滿神榮耀的殿』,盧天賜弟兄(右圖前右)翻譯。崇拜後大家合影並共進愛宴,有美好的交通。聚會在晚間 9時15分左右結束。以下是林春明弟兄執筆的回想。

The inaugural worship service of The House of Christ's Love Chinese Christian Church was held on 5:30pm, January 2, 2011. Brothers and sisters from HoCL as well as neighboring churches partake in the service. In the worship, Brother George Chou (picture on top, front left) delivered the sermon "A temple that was filled with God's glory", with Brother T.C. Lo (picture on top, front right) as translator. After the worship, there was time for group picture, dinner and fellowship. The service was completed at around 9:15pm. Below is a reflection of the service by Brother Chunming Lin.




這是耶和華所定的日子.我們在其中要高興歡喜。(詩篇 118:24)


HOCL_inaugural_service_12-31-2010_fit.jpg我們全家提早到教會新堂的所在地,Fishkill拿撒勒教會,來做些準備。天色已暗但還清晰,我們看到已有幾個家庭比我們先抵達,並已開始做準備的工作。當我們進入崇拜大堂時,我們遇上一個熟悉面孔。我們在赫德遜華語基督教會(MHCCC) 的聚會中見過她幾次,她的女兒是MHCCC青少年組的常客。我們感到很溫馨也深知道 神在看顧我們。


崇拜時是由周逸駒弟兄講道,盧天賜弟兄翻譯;講道題目是『充滿神榮耀的殿』,經文是從王上 8:1-11, 27-32. 總括來說,周逸駒弟兄指出:

神的子民尋找充滿 神榮耀的地方。而一個充滿 神榮耀的地方祇有在:

-        一個充滿 神的話語,和以基督為中心的地方,而且

-        神的子民謙卑在神的面前並將一切的尊崇和權柄歸給神

開始的時候,我們並沒有期望會有許多人來這可輕易容納兩百多人的禮拜堂裏共襄勝舉。因著 神的恩典,我們看到不只是有從附近的赫德遜華語基督教會和Fishkill拿撒勒教會的弟兄姊妹們,我們更看到有遠從台灣來的弟兄姊妹。我們感到很喜樂能看到這許多的弟兄姊妹們和親朋好友們在一起敬拜 神。這種景象讓我能稍微想像到詩篇133:1的美麗圖畫 “看哪,弟兄和睦同居,是何等的善,何等的美‧” 這次參加崇拜的人總共連小孩有七十幾人。

在成人崇拜的時候,兒童崇拜是在樓下的餐誼廳由淑芳和桂華姊妹們帶領。崇拜在7:15PM左右結束,接著有團體合影照相時間。照相完後,在樓下的餐誼廳開始了“愛宴”。大家看到桌上豐盛的飲食都覺得很興奮。我們感謝許多弟兄姊妹們的愛心準備。在聚會快結束時,我們很高興看到Fishkill拿撒勒教會的 Rob Smith 牧師到場寒暄鼓勵。整個聚會在 9:15PM左右結束,許多弟兄姊妹們幫忙清理善後。

這是耶和華所定的日子,願一切的讃美與尊崇都歸給祂 !

A Reflection for the Inaugural Worship Service 

by Chunming Lin

The LORD has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad. (Psalm 118:24)

It was an exciting and special day on January 2, 2011, because we were about to participate the very first worship service for The House of Christ’s Love Chinese Christian Church (aka HoCL). My heart was pumping and kept thinking that this is my second chance to be able to serve our Lord Jesus in a joyful capacity.

My family and I came early to the “Fishkill Church of Nazarene” where our new church is located to do some preparations. The sky was dark but clear.  Several families arrived before us and started the preparation work already. As we entered the sanctuary of the church, we bumped into a familiar face that we met several times at MHCCC gatherings – her daughters participated in the MHCCC youth group. We felt welcomed and knew that our Lord was watching over us J

The worship service was started around 5:35PM. It began with a singspiration praise which was led by brother Chun-Shi & sister Tzy-Hwa Chang and accompanied by sister Deanna and brother Frank. Brother Yiheng Xu was in the back to help audio and video recording accompanied by a young man from Fishkill Church of Nazarene. And, sister Cathy Lo was for overall welcoming.

Brother George Chou delivered a sermon titled “A Temple that was filled with God’s Glory”, from 1 Kings 8:1-11, 27-32, with brother Tin-chee Lo translated it in parallel. In summary, brother George pointed out that:

God's people seek for a place that fills the glory of God. And, a place will be filled with the glory of God, only if:

- The place is filled with God's word and is Christ centered.

- The people humble themselves before the LORD, and ascribe all the honor and authority to God.

Initially, we didn’t expect a huge turn-out in the spacious church sanctuary which could easily accommodate more than 200 people. By God’s grace, we had visitors not only from local MHCCC and Fishkill Church of Nazarene members but also from oversea, Taiwan. It is a joyful moment to see so many friends and families, brothers and sisters worshipped together. This gave me a glimpse of the beautiful picture depicted in the Psalms 133:1 “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” The attendance was totaled up to the 70+ range, including children.

During the service time, children church led by sisters Eliza and Kuei-Hwa was conducted at downstairs dinning hall area. The service was ended with a group picture-taking on 7:15PM. It then followed by a love feast held in the dinning hall. Everyone was excited to see so much food and desserts on the table. We thank all the brothers and sisters’ loving hearts in preparing the feast. When it was close to the end of the gathering, we were very glad to see Pastor Rob presented.  The gathering was wrapped up around 9:10PM by a joint cleaning of the dinning hall.

Yes, the LORD has done it this very day.  May all the praise and honor unto Him!