September 13, 2014

2014 特别聚会 - 主題"幸福家庭" Special Meetings on "Happy Family"

主爱之家在2014年9月13 (星期六)举办了教会成立以来第一次的特别福音聚会。由新泽西州贝郡基督徒证主教会的刘志雄长老主讲”幸福家庭”。两堂专题如下
幸福家庭1(恩爱夫妻)下午 4:00PM
The House of Chirst's Love holds a special meeting on Saturday, September 13, 2014. This is the church’s first special meeting since the founding of the HOCL. Elder Peter Liu from the New Jersey Bergen Christian Testimony Church presides over the meeting and gives presentations on "Happy Family". The two sessions of the meeting are:
Happy family 1 (Loving couple) at 4:00 PM
Happy family 2 (Rearing children) at 7:00 PM