Day: October 6, 2013

“Royal Marriage” ———– Journal of Reflection 10/6/2013

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.

One afternoon in the last week, my wife and I decided to have a lunch together at the local culinary school. We were celebrating our wedding anniversary, privately. While we were waiting in the line of ordering, my wife saw a familiar person walked by but couldn’t have a chance to confirm it. Then we found that her husband and her in-law were waiting behind us in the same line, what a joyful surprise!

It is great to have an afternoon bathed under sun and strolled along the school’s campus, especially with my wife’s accompanying. She said, “I couldn’t believe that we have been together for so many years already.” I nodded my head. Yes, time really flies and it is going so fast that it seems to be yesterday. We thank God for His protection on our marriage.

This lets me think of the Prince Charles and Lady Diana’s royal wedding which was hailed as the wedding of the century.  Certainly, it is a wedding with great splendor – it attracts 3500 honorable guests with millions of TV viewers in addition, not even mention how much time, wealth and resources had been spent.  Sadly to say, the marriage didn’t end well as we all know.  The familiar childhood dream of “love each other forever and happy thereafter”, which we all have a chance to read before, was not materialized. A question then came to my mind is “Can we find a true loving and ever-lasting marriage in this world?”  Good question! I am afraid that this is going to be a tremendous challenge as I see God’s definition of marriage, one man and one woman, has been severely confronted and altered around the world. I do hope there exists true loving and ever-lasting marriage, as is defined by God, as many as possible.

For those who believe in Jesus Christ, however, don’t have to just hope—they are assured of a royal marriage in heaven.  It is going to be splendorous and the Lord Jesus Christ is going to be the Bridegroom. This is exactly what Apostle John indicated to us, “Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear. 我們要歡喜快樂,將榮耀歸給他因為羔羊婚娶的時候到了,新婦也自己預備好了就蒙恩得穿光明潔白的細麻衣 (Revelation 19:7-8) This marriage is going to be a true loving and ever-lasting. The question is “Are you one of the believers?”

My dear friends, an “earthly” royal marriage will certainly let you gain the status of royalty. But it couldn’t assure you of a true loving and ever-lasting marriage. To gain both, the only way I know is to accept Jesus Christ’s invitation to the wedding supper of the Lamb. It is a “heavenly” royal marriage, which is glorious and splendorous, and it will give you the status of royalty to be God’s children. Isn’t this worth us to seek for?